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Good advice (SOL Tuesday)

I was going to write about something totally different but then as I was sitting and waiting for my kids at their music lessons, I heard a mom say a profound thing. I’m sure she didn’t even think about it and it was not meant in a profound, advice giving way.

She said, “Walk with your head up, otherwise it can be dangerous.” Ok, so hear me out. I know she was telling her child not to run into a wall because she was holding her tablet however, those words spoke to my whole being.

Walking with my head up means I know who I am and I know my worth. I understand my worth is not simply seen in what I do here on earth but in Who I belong to for eternity. Walking with my head up means walking with confidence, not pride. It means showing grace and mercy in a way I know I’ve been shown those things. It means holding less to earthly things and things that matter for eternity. Walking with my head up means rembering my gifts and talents and giving those things away with love. Walking with my head up means remembering where I’ve been but not dwelling on the past. Walking with my head up means planning for the future but being present now.

So, thanks for the advice random mom. I appreciate the reminder.

9 thoughts on “Good advice (SOL Tuesday)

  1. Thanks for persevering in getting this to post. My favorite line: “Walking with my head up means I know who I am and I know my worth.” You follow this with such powerful images that provide us all with a reminder to know and live into our worth. Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, I do love this and read it twice, and this line reached out to me twice! “Walking with my head up means remembering my gifts and talents and giving those things away with love.” Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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