
Hey there!

I’m Annalee. My name is tricky for most. I’m not Emily or Anna, just plain Annalee. That’s me and my family. I love to hike and climb mountains but I have a huge fear of falling. Go figure. Being outside makes me feel the most alive.

Sit down and relax with me throughout some of my blog posts about life. Pull up a seat on the front porch and kick up your feet.

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About Me

Hi, I’m Annalee. (All one word.) I have worn a lot of hats and had many titles in my life. Teacher, wife, mom, sister, friend, counselor, mentor, avid reader, writer, hiker, runner, coach, traveler, furniture painter, baker and eater of all the sweets… I hope I just keep adding more hats and titles as life goes on. My most favorite title is daughter of the One true King.

Let’s hang out